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It is very important that you follow the advice of your cardiologist regarding exercise!


If you have been diagnosed with a cardiac condition and you have been told that you should not take part in sport anymore, it is very important that you follow your cardiologist’s advice. This is because some cardiac conditions can be made worse by exercise.

Watch CRY’s myheart cardiologist, Dr Michael Papadakis advise patients who have been told to limit exercise but who don’t want to below.

Watch CRY myheart cardiologist talk about the level exercise becomes unhealthy.

However some people who are diagnosed with cardiac conditions may still able to exercise, but at a gentler level than before. This was what happened to Joseph.

Watch Paula and myheart member, Joseph Tanner, debate with CRY myheart cardiologist, Dr Michael Papadakis on exercising with an ICD below.