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I suffered one cardiac arrest out of hospital in my sleep, and two in hospital cardiac arrests at the end of May. I was 32. After having palpitations for a year and a half and never really been checked properly, it was a bit of a shock. I have a 2 and a half year old son at home, so it was such a worry he nearly lost his mummy very young.

I’ve been diagnosed with a very rare heart condition called Idiopathic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia, and fitted with an ICD. I’m currently waiting for a plan of action moving forward, but as recently as last week had another episode. Luckily my heart recovered without the need for the ICD to shock.

I decided to use this very scary thing as a positive to propel myself forward and make sure that I can try and raise as much money for CRY as possible. I was very lucky, but so many aren’t.

I’ve set myself the personal challenge to complete six 5K challenges over the next 6 months. The first run was 8 weeks post op, and 10 weeks since the cardiac event happened. I didn’t run, but managed to walk it in an hour and managed to run the last bit. I’ve got another couple at the end of September and end of October, so far I have raised £900 and hopefully by the end will of raised £2,000 (fingers crossed).

Hollie Bell


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