CRY Zumba class by Katie Welsh

I’m a 23-year-old Zumba Fitness instructor who was recently diagnosed with a heart condition. I knew exactly what I could do to show my “thanks” and appreciation towards CRY and their support through the myheart network. On Thursday 23rd March 2017, the ladies of Harrogate got their trainers on and took part in an hour of intense Zumba. We raised a total of £300, along with lots of awareness for CRY. I feel very passionate about raising money for CRY now and in the future, to encourage early diagnoses, so that hopefully one day everybody can be as lucky as me.

Katie Welsh

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Dr Nim Jayaratne’s research interview

Recently, our series of ‘research update’ interviews have focused on the academic achievements of former CRY Research Fellows, reflecting on their impressive

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