FAQ’s about myocarditis

myheart cardiologist, Dr Sabiha Gati, will be filming answers to questions our members have about myocarditis to create a FAQ’s about myocarditis. Do you have any questions you would like to ask? Send them into us at myheart@c-r-y.org.uk or via the form below! All questions will be asked anonymously. Notice: JavaScript is required for this […]

myheart enews-Jun-Sept 2020

Dear myheart members Thank you to all of you who are helping raise funds and awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and myheart in these unprecedented times. Please find in this newsletter information on: Online myheart meeting with Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Sabiha Gati CRY Raising Awareness Week and Great Cake Bake 2020 Blog by myheart member, Phoebe Scoulding […]

Update from CredibleMeds for LQT patients

Members with cardiac conditions may like to consider registering with CredibleMeds to be kept up to date with any changes to the QT drugs to avoid list https://crediblemeds.org/everyone/. We have recently received the following message through CredibleMeds: September 10, 2020 Addition of six drugs to the QTdrugs categoriesWe are writing to inform you that the following four […]

Online myheart meeting with Dr Sabiha Gati-17.10.2020

A myheart members’ video meeting is planned between 1pm-3pm on Saturday 17th October, 2020. Registered members can start logging in from 12:45pm.  Meetings are free to attend and give members an opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences in an informal but supportive environment. Those young people that attend these meetings usually find them very helpful. […]

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