Information on Insurance for a young person with a cardiac condition by Kathryn Knowles

We are sometimes contacted by myheart members who are looking for more information about insurance. Kathryn Knowles, Managing Director of Cura Financial Services, has created a short video to give some more information and guidance about looking for insurance as a young person with a cardiac condition. Links for Kathryn’s Bio: The link to the […]

My story so far – Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy

Hello. My name is Phoebe and I’m 22 years old. When I was three years old, I was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital to have open heart surgery to repair an Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), other wise known as a hole in my heart. Since then I was very healthy and finished school and […]

Looking Back at 25: CRY’s first Ambassadors… meet CRY Teddy

Have you ever wondered why a teddy in a t-shirt sometimes pops up on CRY’s posters or turns up at events? Why would one of CRY’s furry friends be pictured on a flyer, helping to promote CRY’s 2020 Heart of London Bridges Walk… and why might we be seeing more of our so-called ‘CRY Teddy’ […]

Looking Back at 25: The beginning of CRY’s screening programme

CRY Founder Alison Cox MBE first had the idea to offer cardiac screening to young people in 1993. Alison discussed this with Professor William McKenna, and with the help of the Lawn Tennis Association, CRY held its first ever screening event in 1993. This was for elite tennis players at the Lawn tennis Association National […]

Looking Back at 25: The volunteers who helped get CRY started

As CRY began taking its early steps as an official charity (for the formative years, in a temporary office in the spare bedroom at Alison Cox’s home in Surrey) it soon became clear that Alison couldn’t do it all by herself. The vision was big and interest in the charity was also starting to get […]

myheart enews- March-May 2020

Dear myheart members Thank you to all of you who are helping raise funds and awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and myheart in these unprecedented times. Please find in this newsletter information on: Information on COVID-19 for heart patients Revisions to the CredibleMeds Lists Interview with Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Sabiha Gati Blog by CRY […]

Looking Back at 25: CRY’s first fundraiser

This is the second part of CRY’s “Looking Back at 25” series. As we mark our 25th year anniversary, these articles will remember key parts of CRY’s history, and tell the story of how the charity has developed and got to where it is today. ….. Those familiar with CRY’s history will be familiar with […]

Comparing 2008 to now

Being in lockdown, being in isolation it’s made me re-experience a life I had before and compare the feelings I have now, to that I had back then. We all live life a little blindly, we all learn from an early age about death, but for many years we’re shielded from it by our parents, […]

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