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3challenges for 3 charities

Opting to do something small to help 3 personally significant charities (Cardiac Risk in the Young, viagra sale Combat Stress and Macmillan) that help thousands of people was the best thing I have done this year so far. Not only am I doing something, albeit small, for three incredible charities, but I am pushing myself as well. First stop; abseil

‘Heart issues don’t mean your life is over’ by Lewis Nicholson

This is my story and my journey as a person who had a catastrophic birth defect of my heart and by chance and a MRI technician having a good eye, I am still here. In 2012 I was 18 years old and despite having an extremely active childhood including playing Rugby 6 days a week and through all months of the

Life with LQTS and LVNC by Abi Edwards

October 2018, aged 14 and asymptomatic- I was taken to a CRY screening as a precautionary check by my mum at St. George’s Hospital. Little did I know that that test would be the beginning of a whole new journey in my life. I was told that they had picked up an abnormality and they thought it would be LQTS,

It’s Scarier Not to Die by Jamie Poole

For the first time in 12 years, I experienced my first incident of an inappropriate shock. Not just one, but five, one after the other. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. To say it was painful would be a gross understatement. It was a combination of the most painful experience of my life, mixed with the most terrifying. Not only was

My story so far – Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy

Hello. My name is Phoebe and I’m 22 years old. When I was three years old, I was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital to have open heart surgery to repair an Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), other wise known as a hole in my heart. Since then I was very healthy and finished school and college without many difficulties. For

Comparing 2008 to now

Being in lockdown, being in isolation it’s made me re-experience a life I had before and compare the feelings I have now, to that I had back then. We all live life a little blindly, we all learn from an early age about death, but for many years we’re shielded from it by our parents, then when we do understand

Brugada and Self-Isolation

Monday 16th March I celebrated my 12th re-birthday, re-birthday is a term that all cardiac arrest survivors use to celebrate surviving a cardiac arrest. I didn’t really celebrate it this year, maybe ‘cause of this underlying cloud that was shadowing the world. This cloud, this virus COVID-19/ Coronavirus, we first heard about this virus whilst we were on holiday in

myheart Newsletter 2018

A digital copy of the myheart Newsletter 2018 is now available to read here on Issuu. Catch up on the latest news and updates, research news, myheart meetings and read #myheartmystory’s from members.

My journey with ALCAPA – My Story by Serena Freeman

My journey with congenital heart disease began on 19th March 2018 when I was 18 years old. I was at work and had just gone on my lunch break when I had a sudden cardiac arrest. The people around me called for an ambulance and one of the men was then guided through CPR and without any training performed it