YBFIT by Paula Beck

My brother died suddenly, aged 31, in Australia. He was very fit and healthy. As a result, my family and I had to undergo genetic heart testing. Some of my family, including myself, were diagnosed with a hereditary heart condition called Brugada syndrome. Through this I was introduced to Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) – who support families affected
Living with Brugada syndrome by Paula Beck

Watch myheart member Paula Beck speak with Professor Sharma about having Brugada syndrome. Understanding the syndrome and the effects it has. Watch Paula debate with CRY myheart cardiologist, pills Dr Michael Papadakis along with another myheart member, generic Joseph Tanner on exercising with an ICD below.#
Alerting people to your diagnosis in an emergency

MedicAlert in partnership with myheart It is recommended that anyone with a hidden medical condition carries a form of identification detailing their condition and any medication they are on. This could be in the form of a card placed somewhere visible in your wallet/purse, or an identification bracelet, help such as a MedicAlert bracelet. MedicAlert is the only registered charity