Lucy Challis

Lucy Challis wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. On Sunday 29th January 2006, my older brother Stuart, age 25, collapsed and died playing football. I was 23 and my other brother was 27. Stuart was the fittest of the three of us. He had no symptoms. His post-mortem, confirmed by
Mallory Brand

Mallory Brand wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I discovered I had Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome by chance. I manage events and exhibitions for a marketing agency in London. In July 2012, I was flying to Boston when I felt unwell during the flight, collapsed and after receiving oxygen from the
James Bailey

James Bailey wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I was pumped up for the game. The adrenaline was rushing through my body. I couldn’t wait for kick-off but as soon as the whistle blew, my body reacted in a way it had never done before. My heart beating faster than
Antony Eames

Tony Eames wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I had my first episode of fainting at 4 years old. From then on I passed out regularly. Sometimes I passed out several times a day. During this time I was not allowed to do any school sport or go out in
Louise Dee
Living with long QT syndrome Hi, my name is Louise. It all started in 1990 when I was 8 yrs old. I woke up hearing an alarm clock and realised it was my mother’s for work, so I got out of bed and went to turn the alarm off. When I went into her bedroom I turned the alarm off
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome Hi, my name is Stacy and I am 19 years old. I was a very healthy child and was always very active and played netball every week. I remember having moments throughout my childhood where I would feel very odd and feel lightheaded and spaced out but we thought nothing of it. In October
Jonny Goode
Living with long QT syndrome I love Sport! Any kind of sport and ever since I remember I have spent most of my spare time either hitting a ball, pedalling a bike or running around somewhere. It came as a great shock to me when I was diagnosed with long QT syndrome at the age of 23. The way I
Living with long QT syndrome – Hayley Brown
Living with long QT syndrome I was 19 years old and had just failed my second driving test when my first and only attack happened. I ran through the garden and into the house where my mum was waiting nervously. I told her that I had failed and then went on to tell her I didn’t feel very well, but
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – Fraser Thomas
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy I am one of the few lucky parents as my son, Fraser, survived a full cardiac arrest while playing football last year. He had no previous symptoms or illness and was saved thanks to two medical students who happened to be playing football that day and also a mobile defibrillator that had recently been acquired by
Living with right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) – Julia Hubbard
Living with right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) I have represented Great Britain in Bobsleigh since 2006 and In October 2007 I crashed in a race and sustained fractured vertebrae and tore all the ligaments in my thoracic spine. I was out of the sport for the rest of the season while I recovered and had rehab. In April