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I love long distance running. Like, really long distances. So when I was diagnosed with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome, it was very difficult to have to cut down to just the odd 5k, constantly monitoring my heart rate as I ran. But in November, I had an operation that fixed my heart condition, and to celebrate I am going to run around every park in my London borough, Haringey! All the money I raise from this crazy, roughly 30 mile (50k) run will go to CRY, so that they can help others with heart conditions the way they helped me.

Zenia Selby

I hit the 27k mark in my training on Sunday, running over the gorgeous Cotswolds. When you push your body to that extent, time begins to lose meaning, and everyday stresses disappear, because your body directs all its energy towards just running. And it means that you begin to notice little things around you more: the view from the hilltop, the bird singing in the hedgerow, the golden stones in a disused quarry, the church spire in the distance. All those little, beautiful things we live for. Because at the end of the day, that’s why I’m running: I am grateful to be alive.

2 responses

  1. Great article! I have just been diagnosed with WPW so know how much it can effect you when your passion is fitness, as is mine! I run a Personal Training and Wellbeing Company so being told to stop with the exercise for a while is a big thing!

    Your story is inspiring and i’m glad to see that it doesn’t mean my fitness career is over!

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