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Hi everyone, I am new to myheart. I have recently joined as only a few weeks ago I was diagnosed with WPW. I am 34 and have had occasional episodes of palpitations since I was about 16.

I have lived an active and healthy lifestyle. I have completed 3 half marathons and last year fulfilled my ambition to run the London Marathon.

I started training to run a marathon in 2018 and all was going to plan until a few of my runs were cut short with strong episodes of palpitations. These ones seemed to be more intense and last longer than I am used to. I decided to see the doctor, who referred me to A&E that day. Queue an unexpected overnight stay rigged up to an ECG, shock diagnosis and a prescription of beta blockers (Bisoprolol Furmurate) and a referral to cardiology where I am to await Catheter Ablation. No running for now!

Now I don’t know if I will have enough time to recover and train to complete my challenge for the year. The outlook is positive, but time will tell as to whether I will have to defer my entries or not. CRY have already provided me with a bunch of information and I’m confident in the long run I will be fit and well. In the meantime, the clock is ticking…..

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