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Katrina Martindale from the University of Surrey, is leading a research project ‘Exploring the Psychological Impact on Individuals and their Families Following a Diagnosis of an Inherited Cardiac Condition’.

Watch Katrina’s brief about the research below.

 If you would like to take part in this research or if you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact Katrina at

How have you and your family coped following a diagnosis of an Inherited Cardiac Condition?
Exploring the Psychological Impact on Individuals and their Families Following a Diagnosis of an Inherited Cardiac Condition.

Researchers at the University of Surrey are looking at how to understand and support the wellbeing of individuals diagnosed with an ICC and their family members.

If you have an ICC, or are a family member of someone with an ICC, we would like to talk to you about your experiences, including what has helped you cope and what support you would have found helpful. This will bean interview conversation lasting up to 90 minutes.

We hope that the findings from this study will help us to learn about how to improve support and resources for young people going through an ICC diagnosis and their families.

Please contact Katrina to find out more, or arrange a time to talk:

This study has been reviewed and received a favourable ethical opinion by the University of Surrey ethics committee. Ethics RM ref: 0681

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