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The Easter weekend brought chocolate for many, hot cross buns for some, but for me it brought a 30k run through the wrath of Storm Katie! It was a hard, hilly run, but made infinitely better by the kindness of a family living in a tiny sandstone Cotswolds village who re-filled by water bottle for me when I reached the halfway point. It was on this run that I found out downhills are harder than uphills – I found myself happily jogging uphill but waddling back down again! Just as well my final running route will be mostly flat…

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30k is another milestone in the build up to the final 30 mile run, around every park in Haringey, which I’m putting myself through to raise money for CRY. It’s tough, it’s painful, but with the help of support and donations, I hope this will help another life be protected from an early heart-condition-related death.

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