Having a myxoma diagnosed
A married father with two young children, recently promoted to Detective Inspector in The City of London Police and having been appointed onto the City Security Magazine editorial committee, life was going pretty well for Steve Jackson.
In the summer of 2008 my world was turned upside down. I started to expereince breathlessness and chest pains, particularly noticeable following exertion.
Combined with unexplained weight-loss, the period culminated in a couple of sudden fainting episodes I went and saw my GP and following an ECG test I was admitted into hospital for further investigations. As a result of an echocardiogram (ultrasound scan of the heart), cardiologists soon discovered I had developed a fairly rare myxoma (benign) tumour inside my left atrium.
Needless to say this was quite a shock, given my age and no previous history. I underwent emergency open-heart surgery at The Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon, Essex and following this lengthy operation surgeons were able to successfully incise and remove the tumour.
Along with the National Health Service, I am also very grateful to my fellow commuters the day of one of my faints, who thankfully had knowledge of first aid; placing me in the all important ‘recovery position.’
In doing so they moved the then undiagnosed tumour off my obstructed mitral valve (regulates the flow of blood) and probably saved my life.
I have since made a full recovery and returned to work. It is my strong desire to raise awareness of CRYÂ and their aims.