Brugada Syndrome Diaries

When thinking about fundraising for a charity, CRY was an obvious choice for me as they’ve done so much for my family and I when we were younger. When I was just six years old and my Brother hadn’t even turned two yet we lost our Dad, he was just 34 years old himself. This […]

Brugada and me by Laurie Ketley

The 9th December 2016 isn’t a key date for me. On that day, I was with my Mum, Dad and younger Sister, who were finishing up from undergoing their Flecanide Challenges…which all fortunately came back clear, which was a huge relief. At 18:30 I received a phone call from my Cardiologist, who went on to […]

Joseph Tanner talks about having an ICD implanted

Watch myheart member, Joseph Tanner, talk about his experience of having an ICD implanted. Hi, my name is Joseph tanner. I was diagnosed with Brugada syndrome in 2008 and I was told that I was going to have an ICD implanted. And at first thought I was really scared. I didn’t know what was going […]

Joseph Tanner talks about doing the Brighton Marathon

myheart member, Joseph Tanner, talks about his experience of taking part in the Brighton Marathon, 2015 below. This story begins on Sunday 16 March 2008; I entered the Hastings Half Marathon. The week before the half marathon I had a cold, and at the time I didn’t think much of it. On race-day I felt […]

Paula Beck

Living with Brugada syndrome Watch myheart member Paula Beck speak with Professor Sharma about having Brugada syndrome below.

Sarah Bond

Living with Brugada syndrome I’m Sarah. In January 2012 I was diagnosed with a heart condition known as Brugada syndrome, something that I have had since birth yet was completely unaware of – living like any other healthy 31 year old woman; going to the gym, work and starting off newly married life with my […]

YBFIT by Paula Simmonds

My brother died suddenly, aged 31, in Australia. He was very fit and healthy. As a result, my family and I had to undergo genetic heart testing. Some of my family, including myself, were diagnosed with a hereditary heart condition called Brugada syndrome. Through this I was introduced to Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) […]

Drugs to avoid

In several heart conditions, particularly long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome, certain medicines or drugs can cause problems and trigger dangerous heart rhythms. These should therefore be avoided. Unfortunately, sale there is a rather long list of these! However a compressive list is available on-line, which is regularly updated: For long QT syndrome: Members with […]

Low potassium in the blood (hypokalaemia)

If you are ill and you vomit or have diarrhoea, your body loses some of its essential potassium supply. If you have long QT syndrome or Brugada syndrome, having a low level of potassium can make your condition worse. Therefore if you have vomiting or diarrhoea for more than one day, you should add a […]

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