‘Heart issues don’t mean your life is over’ by Lewis Nicholson

This is my story and my journey as a person who had a catastrophic birth defect of my heart and by chance and a MRI technician having a good eye, I am still here. In 2012 I was 18 years old and despite having an extremely active childhood including playing Rugby 6 days a week and […]

myheart hard copy newsletter-2021

Members who subscribed to the myheart hard copy newsletter should have now received it. Read the online version here. Subscribe to myheart mailings here.

I was told, “I might not make to 35!” by Tom Roberts

After years of struggling with heart grumbles, pains and palpitations, i was repeatedly told (by different doctors) that it would just be stress, anxiety and depression. Different medications did nothing to stop the aforementioned issues I experienced. The symptoms also got so much worse after my Mum passed away in 2018 but this was again […]

CRY International Medical Conference 2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the CRY Conference was moved online again for 2021. On October 14 and 15, the conference was hosted in partnership by CRY and the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). We were thrilled to welcome leading experts in cardiology from around the globe for presentations, discussion of case-based scenarios, […]

Every Cloud by Thomas Flanighan

After serving nine years in the military as a Royal Marines Commando, I needed a new challenge and started striving towards a career as a Commercial Pilot. The flying medical involved an ECG which showed abnormal results. At the time, I was not concerned as the Doctor who performed it was almost certain it was […]

I am forever grateful to the GP who saved my life! Blog by Roxy Ball

From being little I always remember I found running and PE hard. I was good at rounders because I could hit the ball and then race around the posts! But everything else I was bad at. I never had any stamina! I always got worried about things too, it would just come on. I used […]

My condition made me realise how precious life is!

June will mark 4 years since I first discovered something wasn’t right. I was playing pool at the time in a competition match for prize money. There was a lot of pressure and my body could feel it. I was winning 1-0 and all of a sudden I started to go dizzy so I decided […]

Brugada Syndrome Diaries

When thinking about fundraising for a charity, CRY was an obvious choice for me as they’ve done so much for my family and I when we were younger. When I was just six years old and my Brother hadn’t even turned two yet we lost our Dad, he was just 34 years old himself. This […]

My Heart Story By Rich Morris

Hi Everyone, It has taken me a long time to find somewhere to share stories, thoughts and experiences with others in a similar position. And it feels good! I have been active throughout my life, playing every sport accessible to me. My first experience of any cardiac issues was at around age 18, I think […]

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