CRY International Medical Conference 2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the CRY Conference was moved online again for 2021. On October 14 and 15, the conference was hosted in partnership by CRY and the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). We were thrilled to welcome leading experts in cardiology from around the globe for presentations, discussion of case-based scenarios, […]

I feel like me again by Nicole McShane

12 years ago, last year, last week or even yesterday; it doesn’t matter how long ago it was when they died of an undiagnosed genetic heart condition, unfortunately, they’re still not here today and the pain of losing them most likely won’t have subsided. However as time moves on, you’ll remember what it feels like […]

Brugada and me by Laurie Ketley

The 9th December 2016 isn’t a key date for me. On that day, I was with my Mum, Dad and younger Sister, who were finishing up from undergoing their Flecanide Challenges…which all fortunately came back clear, which was a huge relief. At 18:30 I received a phone call from my Cardiologist, who went on to […]

Living with a Fontan Circulation – Tricuspid Atresia by Jara Weinkauf

Even though there was no history of heart disease in my family and my parents led a very healthy lifestyle, I was born with tricuspid atresia in 1986 in Berlin/Germany. Doctors noticed that my skin was very blue and something had to be wrong with me. After a palliative operation as a baby, I had […]

Joseph Tanner talks about doing the Brighton Marathon

myheart member, Joseph Tanner, talks about his experience of taking part in the Brighton Marathon, 2015 below. This story begins on Sunday 16 March 2008; I entered the Hastings Half Marathon. The week before the half marathon I had a cold, and at the time I didn’t think much of it. On race-day I felt […]


It is very important that you follow the advice of your cardiologist regarding exercise!   If you have been diagnosed with a cardiac condition and you have been told that you should not take part in sport anymore, it is very important that you follow your cardiologist’s advice. This is because some cardiac conditions can […]

Hayley Brown

Living with long QT syndrome I was 19 years old and had just failed my second driving test when my first and only attack happened. I ran through the garden and into the house where my mum was waiting nervously. I told her that I had failed and then went on to tell her I […]

Fraser Thomas

Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy I am one of the few lucky parents as my son, Fraser, survived a full cardiac arrest while playing football last year. He had no previous symptoms or illness and was saved thanks to two medical students who happened to be playing football that day and also a mobile defibrillator that […]

Julia Hubbard

Living with right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) I have represented Great Britain in Bobsleigh since 2006 and In October 2007 I crashed in a race and sustained fractured vertebrae and tore all the ligaments in my thoracic spine. I was out of the sport for the rest of the season while I recovered […]

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